With support from the Maine Community Foundation and private donors, Sunrise County Economic Council brings you Sunrise $eed Grants, a micro grant fund offering Washington County startups and small businesses helpful injections to address hurdles and propel business development!
In order to be eligible, businesses must…
- be located in Washington County
- be a new, or newly acquired, business in operation 0 to 3 years
- be unable to find alternative funding elsewhere
- comply with grant guidelines
Sunrise $eed Grant Guidelines
Sunrise $eed Grant Application
To learn more or apply, please contact
Susan Hatton, SCEC Loan & Grant Programs Manager at 207-949-0336 or shatton@sunrisecounty.org
We offer a sincere thank-you to the Maine Community Foundation for the invitation and funding to build a seed grant program for Washington County startups and early-stage small businesses!
SCEC continues to accept donations to advance support for Washington County startups and existing small businesses. Visit MaineStreetBusiness.org for information and to learn ways to get involved!