Jonesport Demonstration Day will focus on Alternative Fishing Gear
Jonesport, Maine – Area fishermen and members of the public are invited to an afternoon of demonstrations and informal discussion focusing on the use of alternative lobster fishing gear on February 6, 2025 from 1-5 pm in Jonesport (snow date: February 18, 1-5 pm). The event, hosted by Sunrise County Economic Council in partnership with the Maine Department of Marine Resources, will include live demonstrations of alternative gear on the Jonesport town marina (2 Marina Way, at the end of Sawyer Square) as well as simultaneous informal discussions about the program and testing of alternative gear at the Peabody Memorial Library (162 Main St, Jonesport). Attendees are welcome to come anytime at either location between 1 and 5 pm, as demonstrations will be based on their specific interests and needs.
The Jonesport demonstration day is an effort to familiarize fishermen and the public with alternative gear, including acoustic on-demand systems as well as other technologies, such as timed- and spring-releases. Alternative gear technology may provide an opportunity for fishermen to access areas which prohibit the use of traditional gear due to federal rules designed to protect the North Atlantic right whale. Goals of testing and research include identifying which designs and technologies work best, ensuring that the legal use of the gear can be enforced, and providing information to those fishermen who will make the business decision to access those restricted areas, or not, in the future.
The Maine Department of Marine Resources is working with Sunrise County Economic Council to provide Maine fixed gear fishermen free access to different gear types to test through their Innovative Gear Library, launched in 2024. The Library supports fishermen in real-world testing and in understanding of the capabilities and challenges of a broad range of alternative gear technologies and supports.
Participation by fishermen is crucial in this effort. Without industry’s participation in testing, technology could be approved and required that does not work for Maine fishermen. This is an opportunity to provide data and input that manufacturers and regulators will hear.
Registration is not required to participate in the Jonesport demonstration day. Refreshments will be provided. For questions, please contact Brooke Hachey at 207-707-0962. Please check and the Sunrise County Economic Council Facebook page for updates due to inclement weather.