With support from the Maine Community Foundation and private donors, Sunrise County Economic Council brings you Sunrise $eed Grants, a micro grant fund offering Washington County startups and small businesses helpful injections to address hurdles and propel...
In Washington County, the opportunity to build recovery-friendly workplaces presents a unique win-win for community members impacted by substance use disorder and for employers faced with unprecedented recruitment and retention challenges. The intersection of...
Washington County Community College, MaineStreet Business Building (a program of Sunrise County Economic Council), Machias Savings Bank, and MaineStream Finance have joined forces with partners, to bring you… Financial Empowerment 101: Your...
by BDN Community October 20, 2021 MaineStreet Business Building, a program of Sunrise County Economic Council, was recently awarded a Rural Business Development Grant from USDA in the amount of $99,900 as part of a $539,053 investment in seven Maine...
First National Bank recently announced a $15,000 contribution to the Sunrise County Economic Council towards the future MaineStreet Business Building. Located at 19 Main St. in Machias, the MaineStreet Business Building will be a hub of...
by Jayna Smith of Machias Valley News Observer MaineStreet Business Building is one step closer to its new building, thanks to a recent donation by Pratt Family Dealerships and other local businesses. The center, a program of Sunrise County...